Saturday, December 17, 2022

My Journey in Telepathic Animal Communication

Each one of us aspires a superpower like time travelling, invisibility, etc. But working and talking telepathically can also be just as amusing, and best of all, it is a superpower that anyone can acquire. Now I am going to state to you how it had all begun… 

You see, it started off with this Children’s Day workshop and it was all about learning how to converse with plants and animals. The teachers were a couple who had a daughter who was differently abled and couldn’t communicate in the way we do. So, they talked to her telepathically (to talk to one or the other via mind). The first animal I chatted to was this cat that lives below our building. She seemed too sleepy and aggressive most of the time, so right now I avoid speaking to her. She was also lunching on a rat alive one fine day! I just kept eyeballing the fight between them till I decided to just forget about it and play.

And because of that workshop, I was able to save a caterpillar downstairs. It was on the main road, and I worried that it might get crushed by a vehicle; so, I spoke to it. I told it to go to the pavement where plant pots were kept so it could be safe. So, it listened to me and glided towards the pavement. At that moment, a car came by. I felt relieved! 

Not only animals, I also gained an understanding of how to communicate with plants. My first such interaction was with a peace lily house plant that was kept near the shoe rack. We could observe that its leaves were drying every passing day. I spoke to it, and asked why it was wilting. It replied that it was about to wither away because it received very limited sunlight. I told this to my mom, and we immediately shifted it to our open balcony that gets ample sunlight. We could witness instant and immense improvement, and now the plant is healthy and thriving. 

I also regularly communicate with a tree in our neighbourhood, I call it Hazel. It advises me valuable recommendations about my health, how to progress and keep growing in life and so on. 

Any superpower is truly worthy if it can benefit ourselves and others around us. I hope to further develop my telepathic communication skills and contribute to making our world better.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The seasons’ reasons


Oh! What a lovely day to go out and rejuvenate, 
And what a season to celebrate! 
Oh Spring, what a floral sight, 
I wish you were here day and night! 


Finally, Summer is here!! 
And what a season to cheer! 
Everyone loves the warm sunshine, 
Yet, everyone loves to sun bathe at this time! 
Summer is favourited around the globe, 
So, you are not alone! 


Hey, Fall! It is finally your time! 
Get into action, and it is time to shine! 
Once you jump into leaves, you will feel a sigh of relief, 
Come again, and NEVER leaf ! 


And, can you BELIEVE it, it’s WINTER!! 
Though, it comes and goes, it’s a sprinter! 
Believe it or not, it is the end of the year, 
So, it may be a bit harsh, not too severe!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

My New Wacom Tablet

 It is 12th Sept today and I turned 9 and a half! I got my Wacom Tablet (One By Wacom), I was supposed to get it on Monday but I got it by today itself! I first tested it by writing my name but it was a little hard. Soon I started drawing a simple cartoon girl and a boy in Microsoft One Note. It turned out quite good according to me but I knew I can do much better than that in 2/3 days. Let me know how they look!

My Journey in Telepathic Animal Communication

Each one of us aspires a superpower like time travelling, invisibility, etc. But working and talking telepathically can also be just as amus...